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8137 Culver Aircraft Corporation LCA, LFA Cadet Aircraft Type Certificate Data Specifications (part# CULCA,LFA-SP-C)
8135 Culver Aircraft Corporation LCA, LFA Cadet Parts & Maintenance (part# CULCA,LFA-PMC)
8136 Culver Aircraft Corporation LCA, LFA Cadet Service Letters & Bulletins (part# CULCA,LFA-SLB-C)
8138 Culver Aircraft Corporation Model V 1946 Operating Limitations (part# CUV-46-OP-C)
8140 Culver Aircraft Corporation PQ-14A, B, Q-14A, B Army 1945 Erection & Maintenance Instructions (part# 09-5FC-2)
8141 Culver Aircraft Corporation PQ-8 Target Airplane 1942 Operation & Flight Instructions (part# 09-5A-1)
8142 Culver Aircraft Corporation PQ-8 Target Airplane 1943 Erection & Maintenance Handbook (part# 09-5FA-2)
8143 Culver Aircraft Corporation PQ-8 Target Airplane Illustrated Parts Catalog (part# 09-5FA-4)
8144 Culver Aircraft Corporation PQ-8A Army & TDC-2 Navy 1943 Erection & Maintenance Instructions (part# 09-5FB-2)
8145 Culver Aircraft Corporation PQ-8A Army & TDC-2 Navy 1943 Pilot's Flight Operating Instructions (part# 09-5FB-1)
8147 Culver Aircraft Corporation PQ-8A Army & TDC-2 Navy 1943 Structural Repair (part# 09-5FB-3)
8146 Culver Aircraft Corporation PQ-8A Army 1943 Parts Catalog (part# 09-5FB-4)
8139 Culver Aircraft Corporation V, V2 1963 Revision 5 Aircraft Specification (part# A-778)
8148 Culver Aircraft Corporation YPQ-14, PQ-14, TD2C-1 Series Inspection (part# 09-5FC-5)
8151 Culver Aircraft Corporation YPQ-14A & PQ-14A 1944 Parts Catalog (part# 09-5FC-4)
8152 Culver Aircraft Corporation YPQ-14A, B & PQ-14A, B Army Erection & Maintenance Instructions (part# 09-5FC-2)
8150 Culver Aircraft Corporation YPQ-14A, B & PQ-14A, B Army Modernization (part# 09-5FC-6)
8149 Culver Aircraft Corporation YPQ-14A, B & PQ-14A, B Army Pilot's Flight Operating Instructions (part# 09-5FC-1)
8153 Culver Aircraft Corporation YPQ-14B & PQ-14B Army 1945 Parts Catalog (part# 09-5FC-4A)
13471 Curtiss MFG Company Air Compressor, Two Stage Model VG-959-QMC Maintenance, Parts 1941 (Part # TM-10-1142) (part# TM-10-1142)
507 Curtiss P-40 Kittyhawk Pilot Training Manual
505 Curtiss P-40D, P-40E Flight Manual (part# TO 01-25CF-1)
8154 Curtiss-Wright AAF Model A-25 Airplane Handbook Of Operation & Maintenance (part# 797)
8155 Curtiss-Wright AT-9 & AT-9A 1942 Structural Repair (part# 01-25K-3)
8156 Curtiss-Wright AT-9 & AT-9A 1944 Basic Weight Pilot's Checklist & Loading Data (part# 01-25K-5)
8157 Curtiss-Wright AT-9 & AT-9A 1944 Erection & Maintenance Instructions (part# 01-25K-2)
8159 Curtiss-Wright AT-9 & AT-9A 1944 Parts Catalog (part# 01-25K-4)
8158 Curtiss-Wright AT-9 & AT-9A 1944 Pilot's Flight Operating Instructions (part# 01-25K-1)
6584 Curtiss-Wright Basic Theory of Operation (part# CWBASICTHEORY-OP-C)
8170 Curtiss-Wright C-46 1942 Maintenance Instructions (part# TO-01-25LA-2)
8160 Curtiss-Wright C-46 Army 1943 Flight Handbook (part# 1C-25LA-1)
8169 Curtiss-Wright C-46 Cargo Airplane 1942 Overhaul Instructions (part# 01-25LA-3)
8166 Curtiss-Wright C-46 Electrical System Electrical System And Communications Memo (part# CWC46-ELESYS-C)
503 Curtiss-Wright C-46 Pilot Training Manual (part# AAF 50-16)
8164 Curtiss-Wright C-46 USAF Series 1966 Functional Check Flight Procedures (part# 1C-46A-6CF-1)
501 Curtiss-Wright C-46, C-46A Flight Manual (part# AN 01-25LA-1)
8168 Curtiss-Wright C-46, ZC-46A, C-46D, C-46F Erection & Maintenance Instructions (part# 01-25LA-2)
8167 Curtiss-Wright C-46, ZC-46A, C-46D, C-46F Maintenance Instructions (part# 1C-46A-2)
8171 Curtiss-Wright C-46, ZC-46A, C-46D, C-46F Maintenance Instructions (part# TO-1C-46A-2)
8163 Curtiss-Wright C-46, ZC-46A, C-46D, C-46F Structural Repair (part# 1C-46A-3)
8162 Curtiss-Wright C-46A, C-46D 1969 Illustrated Parts (part# 1C-46A-4)
14096 Curtiss-Wright C-46A, C-46D, C-46F Inspection Requirements (part# 1C-46A-6)
14097 Curtiss-Wright C-46A, C-46D, C-46F Scheduled Inspections And Maintenance Requirements (part# 1C-46A-6)
9368 Curtiss-Wright C-46A, C-46D, R5C-1 Illustrated Parts Manual (part# 1C-46A-4)
8172 Curtiss-Wright C-46A, D, F Army 1945 Flight Handbook (part# 1C-46A-1)
9367 Curtiss-Wright C-46A, ZC-46A, C-46D, C-46F Structural Repair Manual (part# 1C-46A-3)
1038 Curtiss-Wright C-46A, ZC-46A, C-46D, C-46F, R4C-1 Maintenance Manual (part# 1C-46A-2 (USAF)
AN 01-25LA-2 (Navy))
8165 Curtiss-Wright C-46D 1954 Weight and Balance Data (part# 1-1B-40)
8173 Curtiss-Wright C-46D 1963 Flight Manual (part# 1C-46D-1)
8174 Curtiss-Wright C-46D 1966 Flight Crew Checklist (part# 1C-46D-1CL-1)
8161 Curtiss-Wright C-46E NO. A-786 Aircraft Specifications (part# A-786)
6561 Curtiss-Wright C9GC (Formerly R-1820) Engines Illustrated Parts Catalog (part# CWC9GC-P-C)
6564 Curtiss-Wright Challenger Engine Handbook1929 Engine Handbook (part# CWCHALLENG29HBC)
6562 Curtiss-Wright Challenger Engine Instructions (part# CWCHALLENG-IN-C)
6563 Curtiss-Wright Challenger Engine Overhaul (part# CWCHALLENG-OH-C)
6565 Curtiss-Wright Conqueror Engine Handbook1930 Engine Handbook (part# CWCONQUEROR-HB)
6585 Curtiss-Wright Cutaway & Schematic Views (part# CWCUTAWAY-OP-C)
6566 Curtiss-Wright D-12 Engine Handbook 1928 Engine Handbook (part# CWD12-HB-C)
9283 Curtiss-Wright Electric Propellers 1943 Pilot's Manual (part# CWELECTRICPROPS-POH)
9282 Curtiss-Wright Electric Propellers 1944 Ops & Description (part# CWELECTRICPROPS-OPS)
9276 Curtiss-Wright Electric Propellers 1944 Parts Catalog With Instructions (part# 03-20BJ-2, 03-20BJ-1)
9290 Curtiss-Wright Electric Propellers Description, Installation, Maintenance (part# CWELECTRICPROP-42IN)
9279 Curtiss-Wright Electric Propellers Maintenance Tips (part# CWELECTRICPROPSTIPS)
8175 Curtiss-Wright Fighter & O-52 Airplanes 1943 Interchangeable Parts Catalog (part# 1/25/2007)
6568 Curtiss-Wright Ground School Text 1930 Ground School Text (part# GWGROUND-30-INC)
9278 Curtiss-Wright Hollow Shaft Propeller 3 Blade Operation, Installation, Maintenance (part# CWHOLLOWSHAFTPROP-C)
14340 Curtiss-Wright Hollow Shaft Propellers Installation & Maintenance Manual
9288 Curtiss-Wright Hollow Steel Blade Prop 3 Blade Operation, Installation, Maintenance (part# CWHOLLOWSTEELBLADE-C)
9287 Curtiss-Wright Hollow Steel Propeller 3 Blade Handbook Of Instruction With Parts Catalog (part# 03-20BO-1)
9289 Curtiss-Wright Hollow Steel Propeller 3 Blade Handbook Of Instruction With Parts Catalog (part# 03-20BE-1)
9284 Curtiss-Wright Hollow Steel Propeller 4 Blade Handbook Of Instructions With Parts Catalog (part# 03-20BP-1)
9285 Curtiss-Wright Hollow Steel Propeller 4 Blade Operation, Maintenance, Overhaul, Parts (part# 3E1-6-1)
9286 Curtiss-Wright Hollow Steel Propeller 4 Blade Operation, Maintenance, Overhaul, Parts Catalog (part# 03-20BH-1)
6569 Curtiss-Wright Jenny JN-4 Assembling Instructions (part# CWJN4-AS-C)
6570 Curtiss-Wright Jenny JN4-B 1917 Hand Book (part# CWJN4B-17-HB-C)
6571 Curtiss-Wright JN4-D 1918 Military Tractor Hand Book (part# CWJN4D-18-HB-C)
9281 Curtiss-Wright Lubricated Pad Governor 1942 Operation, Installation, Maintenance (part# CWLUBRICATEDPAD-42-C)
1807 Curtiss-Wright Motor And Brake Assembly 1959 Illustrated Parts Breakdown (part# 3EA6-6-4)
6572 Curtiss-Wright OX Aeronautical Motor 1918 Engine Handbook (part# CWOX-HB-C)
6574 Curtiss-Wright OX5 Aeronautical Motor Parts Catalog (part# CWOX5--P-C)
6573 Curtiss-Wright OX5 Handbook & Repair Engine Handbook (part# CWOX5-HB-C)
6575 Curtiss-Wright OX5, C-1, C-2 & Robin General Information& Specs (part# CWOX5-OP-C)
6576 Curtiss-Wright OX5, OX-6 Engine Handbook Engine Handbook (part# CWOX5,6--HB-C)
6577 Curtiss-Wright OX5, OX-6 Engine Handbook Engine Handbook (part# CWOX5,6--HB-C)
8176 Curtiss-Wright P-40 Series Handbook (part# CWP40-HB-C)
8180 Curtiss-Wright P-40 Series Handbook (part# CWP40ARM-HB-C)
8188 Curtiss-Wright P-40 Series Handbook (part# CWP40HYD-HB-C)
8178 Curtiss-Wright P-40 Series Structural Repair Handbook (part# CWP40-SR-C)
8177 Curtiss-Wright P-40 Service Bulletins 1942-44 Service Letters, Bulletins (part# CWP40-SLB-C)
8181 Curtiss-Wright P-40D & P-40E 1943 Pilot's Flight Operating Instructions (part# 01-25CF-1)
8182 Curtiss-Wright P-40D, E, E-1 & F 1943 Structural Repair Instructions (part# 01-25C-3)
8183 Curtiss-Wright P-40E-1 Army 1942 Erection & Maintenance Instructions (part# 01-25CJ-2)
8184 Curtiss-Wright P-40E-1 Fighter Airplane 1942 Parts Catalog (part# 01-25CJ-4)
8187 Curtiss-Wright P-40F 1942 Maintenance Instructions (part# 01-25CH-2)
8186 Curtiss-Wright P-40F, P-40L 1943 Flight Manual (part# 01-25CH-1)
8185 Curtiss-Wright P-40F, P-40L Army 1943 Erection & Maintenance Instructions (part# 01-25CH-2)
8190 Curtiss-Wright P-40K & P-40K-1 Army 1943 Parts Catalog (part# 01-25CK-4)
8192 Curtiss-Wright P-40K & P-40M 1943 Pilot's Flight Operating Instructions (part# 01-25CK-1)
8189 Curtiss-Wright P-40K 1942 Overhaul Instructions (part# 01-25CK-3)
8191 Curtiss-Wright P-40K, -1, P-40L, M, N, C-46, P-47G Interchangeable Parts List (part# T.O. 01-25-8)
8193 Curtiss-Wright P-40M, P-40N 1945 Parts Catalog (part# 01-25C-4)
8194 Curtiss-Wright P-40N 1943 Basic Weight Checklist & Loading Data (part# 01-25CN-5)
8195 Curtiss-Wright P-40N Airplanes 1943 Operations & Maintenance Instructions (part# 01-25CN-30)
8196 Curtiss-Wright P-40N Army 1944 Erection & Maintenance Instructions (part# 01-25CN-2)
8197 Curtiss-Wright P-40N Army 1944 Pilot's Flight Operating Instructions (part# 01-25CN-1)
250 Curtiss-Wright P-40N Flight Manual (part# AN 01-25CN-1)
8198 Curtiss-Wright P-6E Hawk Pursuit Airplanes Instructions and Parts Catalog (part# CWP6E-32-P-C)
9277 Curtiss-Wright Proportional Governor Control Description, Parts, Installation, Maintenance (part# CWELECTRICPROPS-IN-C)
6579 Curtiss-Wright R-1820-76A, B, 80, 86 Engines Service Manual (part# 02A-35GH-502)
6578 Curtiss-Wright R-1820-76A, B, 86, 101 Engines Illustrated Parts Catalog (part# 2R-R1820-24)
6587 Curtiss-Wright R-3350-8, -24W Overhaul Manual 1952 (part# 02A-35JB-3)
6586 Curtiss-Wright R3350 Engine Maintenance Notes (part# CWR3350-MN-C)
13948 Curtiss-Wright R3350-26WA, WB, WC 1957 Operating Instructions (CWR335026WA-OPS-C) (part# CWR335026WA-OPS-C)
13438 Curtiss-Wright R3350-26WA, WB, WC, WD 1962 Overhaul Instructions (part# 02A-35JP-503)
13439 Curtiss-Wright R3350-26WA, WB, WC, WD 1962 Service Instructions (part# 02A-35JP-502)
6580 Curtiss-Wright R3350-26WA, WB, WC, WD 1967 Illustrated Parts Catalog (part# 02A-35JP-504)
6581 Curtiss-Wright R3350-57M, -57AM, -83 Illustrated Parts Catalog (part# 2R-R3350-4)
6583 Curtiss-Wright R3350-89A, 89B, 93, 95W Illustrated Parts Catalog (part# 2R-R3350-54)
6582 Curtiss-Wright R3350-89A, 89B, 93, 95W Overhaul Manual (part# 2R-R3350-53)
8203 Curtiss-Wright RA-25A Army 1944 Airplane Parts Catalog (part# 01-25AA-4)
8201 Curtiss-Wright RA-25A Army 1944 Erection & Maintenance Instructions (part# 01-25AA-2)
8202 Curtiss-Wright RA-25A Army 1944 Pilot's Flight Operating Instructions (part# 01-25AA-1)
8200 Curtiss-Wright RA-25A Army 1944 Structural Repair Instructions (part# 01-25AA-3)
8199 Curtiss-Wright SB2C, RA-25A 1943-1945 Service Letters & Bulletins (part# CWSB2C,RA25-43-SLB-C)
8205 Curtiss-Wright SB2C-1 Helldiver Maintenance Instructions (part# CWSB2C1-M-C)
8204 Curtiss-Wright SB2C-1, -1C, -3 1944 Pilot's Handbook (part# CWSB2C1,1C,3-44-POHC)
8206 Curtiss-Wright SB2C-3, 4, SBF-3, 4, SBW-3, 4 Pilot's Handbook (part# 01-25AC-501)
8207 Curtiss-Wright SB2C-5 Airplane 1945 Pilot's Handbook of Flight Operating Instructions (part# 01-25AD-1)
9275 Curtiss-Wright Single Piece Propellers Installation & Maintenance Manual (part# CWSINGLEPIECEPROPS-c)
9280 Curtiss-Wright Synchronizer & Rack Assembly Illustrated Parts (part# 3EA10-3-4)
14095 Curtiss-Wright TC-46A, C-46D, TC-46D, C-46F Basic Weight Checklist (part# 1C-46A-5)
8208 Curtiss-Wright TC-46A, D, C-46D, F 1950 Basic Weight Pilot's Checklist (part# 1C-46A-5)
8209 Curtiss-Wright Travel Air Biplanes 2000, 4000 Rigging & Maintenance (part# CW2000,4000-M-C)
6588 Curtiss-Wright Trouble Shooting Trouble Shooting (part# TROUBLE-SHOOTIN)
6589 Curtiss-Wright V-2 Engine Handbook1917 Engine Handbook (part# CWV2-HB-C)
12931 Curtiss-Wright ZC-46A, C-46D, C-46F 1945 Flight Handbook (part# 1C-25LA-1)
518 Curtiss-Wright ZC-46A, C-46D, C-46F Flight Manual (part# AN 01-25LA-1)
14584 CV NATOPS MANUAL (part# NAVAIR 00-80T-105)
14585 CV NATOPS MANUAL (part# NAVAIR 00-80T-105)
14586 CV NATOPS MANUAL (part# NAVAIR 00-80T-105)
439 Dakota 4 Pilot's Notes (part# AP 2445D PN)
11441 Dare, Inc. DTR-360 General Information General Description Manual (part# DRDTR360-INFO-C)
11440 Dare, Inc. DTR-360 Transceiver Installation & Maintenance Instructions (part# DRDTR360-IN-C)
11442 Dare, Inc. DTR-360B Transceiver Installation & Maintenance Instructions (part# DRDTR360B-INM-C)
11443 Dart Electronics TDC-1 Model 1969 Operation Manual (part# DATDC1-69-OP-C)
9578 Dassault Mirage F1 Flight Manuals (part# 1F-F1K50AZ-1-1 / 1F-F1K50CZ-1-1)
1808 Davtron Model 811B Digital Clock Operation Manual (part# DV811B-OPS-C)
14533 DC-4 Operating Manual - Chicago And Southern Airlines 1948
13136 De Vore Aviation Dual Lamp Assembly Illustrated Parts & Maintenance Manual 1977 (part# 33012)
14024 Decelostat Valve, Type AH-2-A - Overhaul With Parts (part# 4BA2-3-13)
795 Defiant II Pilot's Notes (part# AP 1592B PN)
4429 DeHavilland Heron Pilots Notes Pilot's Notes (part# DEPILOTNOT51PNC)
8242 DeHavilland Vampire Pilots Notes Pilot's Notes (part# DEPILOTNOTEVAMP)
4384 DeHavilland 114 Heron Series 2X, 2A, 2DA Flight Manual (part# DE1142X-77-F-C)
5998 DeHavilland 125 ATA Ser. Service Bulletins Service Letters, Bulletins (part# DE125SER-SLB-C)
5986 DeHavilland 125 Series 1 thru 700 1964 Overhaul Manual (part# DE125SER-64-OHC)
5987 DeHavilland 125 Series 1 thru 700 1964 Overhaul Manual (part# DE125SER-64OHC)
5996 DeHavilland 125 Series 1992 Service Bulletin & Modification Index (part# DE125SER-92SLBC)
5989 DeHavilland 125 Series 3A&400A Aircraft Illustrated Parts Catalog (part# DE125SER-66-P-C)
5990 DeHavilland 125 Series 3A&400A Aircraft Illustrated Parts Catalog (part# DE125SER-66-PC)
5992 DeHavilland 125 Series 400 1973 Maintenance Engineers' Lecture Notes (part# DE125SER-73-M-C)
5993 DeHavilland 125 Series Aircraft 1978 Overhaul Manual (part# DE125SER-78-OH)
5995 DeHavilland 125 Series Aircraft 1984 Service Engineering Review (part# DE125SER-84-M-C)
5991 DeHavilland 125 Series Aircraft Service Bulletin (part# DE125SER-71SLBC)
5983 DeHavilland 125 Series Aircraft Service Letters, Bulletins (part# DE12525,26-SLBC)
5984 DeHavilland 125 Series Aircraft Service Letters, Bulletins (part# DE12533-49-SLBC)
5985 DeHavilland 125 Series Aircraft Service Letters, Bulletins (part# DE12551-80-SLBC)
5988 DeHavilland 125 Series Aircraft Service Letters, Bulletins (part# DE125SER-64SLBC)
12342 DeHavilland 745 Vickers Viscount Flight Manual (part# DE745-F-C)
1809 DeHavilland AG4 Magnetos Used On Gipsy Instruction Book (part# 1407)
6594 DeHavilland Aircraft Modular Products 1988 Maintenance Manual (part# DEEXECUTIVE88MC)
1810 DeHavilland APS 500 APU Troubleshooting & Reference Guide (part# DEAPS500APU-TRC)
6002 DeHavilland BAe 125 Series 1987 Customer Support Directory (part# DEBAE125-87-CSC)
8228 DeHavilland Ballarat Aero Club Tiger Moth Handling Notes (part# DEHANDLING-N-C)
6022 DeHavilland Beechcraft Hawker 125 SER 600A Flight Manual (part# DEHS125600A-F-C)
14104 deHavilland C-7A Flight Crew Checklist (part# 1C-7A-1CL-1)
396 deHavilland C-7A Flight Manual (part# 1C-7A-1)
14103 deHavilland C-7A Performance Manual (part# 1C-7A-1-1)
4402 DeHavilland Caribou DHC-4 & DHC-4A Aircraft Specification (part# 1A19)
4389 DeHavilland Chimpmunk DHC-1B 1961 Description & Maintenance Instructions (part# EO 05-10B-2)
14220 DeHavilland Chimpmunk Maintenance and Repair Manual 1976 (part# C.M.R.1)
14219 DeHavilland Chipmunk Schedule of Spare Parts 1950 (part# DEMK20-P-C)
4387 DeHavilland Chipmunk Series 1958 Pilot's Operating Instructions (part# EO 05-10B-1)
4386 DeHavilland Chipmunk Series Pilot's Notes (part# DECHIPMUNK-PN-C)
8210 DeHavilland CV-2 1965 Operator's Manual (part# 55-1510-206-10)
8211 DeHavilland CV-2B 1964 Maintenance Repair Parts & Special Tools List (part# 55-1510-206-35P-1)
4385 DeHavilland D.H. 114 Series 2A, 2DA&2X 1966 Aircraft Specification (part# A-816)
4426 DeHavilland D.H. Dragonfly (Type D.H.90) Operation, Maintenance, Rigging, & Repair (part# DEDH90-36-IN-C)
4431 DeHavilland D.H. Moth Minor Type D.H. 94 Operation, Maintenance, Rigging & Repair (part# DEDH94-OM-C)
6028 DeHavilland Dash 7 Passenger Briefing Cards (part# DEDASH7-PBC)
6027 DeHavilland Dash 7 Pilot's Checklist (part# DEDASH7-CL)
6029 DeHavilland Dash 7 Ransome Airlines Flight Manual (part# DEDASH7-F)
6031 DeHavilland Dash 8 Training Manual (part# DEDASH8-F)
4427 DeHavilland De Havilland Heron Series 2 Maintenance & Repair Manual (part# DEHERON-53-M-C)
6593 DeHavilland DH 82A Gypsy Major 1968 Ops. & Aircraft Specifications (part# A5PC)
4388 DeHavilland DH.C1 Chipmunk 21, 22, 22A 1977 Aircraft Specification (part# A44EU)
6032 DeHavilland DH121 Aircraft 1978 Crew Manual (part# DEDH121-78-CR-C)
6003 DeHavilland DH125 Series 3A, 3A-R&3A-RA Crew Manual (part# DEDH125-78-CR-C)
6004 DeHavilland DH125 Series 3A, 3A-R&3A-RA Crew Manual (part# DEDH125-78-CRC)
6005 DeHavilland DH125 Series 3A, 3A-R&3A-RA Maintenance Manual (part# DEDH125-79-M-C)
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